Welcome Zihang to the lab as an MSE student. Zihang will focus on understanding the functional and spatial organization of STRFs in the auditory cortex.
Jean and Huaizhen's review paper is now out at Hearing Research. Check it out!!
Ron's main thesis paper was just accepted!!! Fabulous news! Strong work!!!
Corey Roach joins us from Duke U. to work on the computations aligned with corticofugal
feedback! Welcome!! Ron's new paper on time and temporal continuity's role in perception is out!! Give it at read!!Jaejin and Joji published a computational paper on lossless integration in decision-making in Front Comp NeurosciNathan's paper on auditory expectation, using behavior and pupillometry, has been accepted into PLoS Comp Biol!!! woot!!! congratulations!!!
November 2023
Yale E. CohenDirector of the Auditory Research Laboratory, keeping you updated! CategoriesIllustration by Neill Webb